يجد طعم معجون الأسنان أثناء الصلاة وكيف يتصرف مع بقايا الطعام الذي بين الأسنان وهل تبطل صلاته ببلع ريقه
He notices the taste of toothpaste when he is praying. What should he do about food remnants that remain between his teeth? Is his prayer invalidated by swallowing his saliva?
He notices the taste of toothpaste when he is praying. What should he do about food remnants that remain between his teeth? Is his prayer invalidated by swallowing his saliva?
Il retrouve des résidus de la patte de dentifrice entre ses dents pendant l'accomplissement de la prière.. que doit il faire des restes d'aliments accrochés à ses dents? Sa prière serait il nulle au cas où il les avalerait?
قبل أدائي للصلاة، أغسل أسناني بالمعجون ولكن يبقى مذاقه بين أسناني وأشعر به في فمي أثناء الصلاة، فهل صلاتي صحيحة أم لا؟ وما حكم بلع الريق في الصلاة؟ وماذا عن الطعام وبلع بقايا الطعام في الصلاة؟
نص الجواب
الحمد لله
أولًا :
بلع الريق في الصلاة لا يؤثر على الصلاة ؛ لأنه ليس أكلاً ولا شرباً ، ولا هو في معناهما .
وإذا كان الصائم لا يفطر ببلع ريقه ، فمن باب أولى المصلي لا تبطل به صلاته .
وينظر جواب السؤال رقم : 144970 و 12597 .
ثانيًا :
بلع المصلي بقايا الطعام الذي بين الأسنان لا تبطل به الصلاة ، إن كان شيئاً يسيراً مما يجري مع الريق ؛ لمشقة التحرز عنه .
وقد سئل الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله : ما حكم بقايا الأكل بين الأسنان في الصلاة ؟
فأجاب "بالنسبة لبقايا الطعام بالأسنان فلا بأس أن يبقى بين الأسنان ولو صلى الإنسان ، لكن لو انفصل منه شيء فلا يبتلعه ، أحياناً يبقى بين الأسنان ثم بعد مدة يخرج من بين الأسنان ، أو ربما يحركه بلسانه ويخرج ، نقول : هذا لا بأس به لكن لا يبتلعه" انتهى .
وقال البهوتي رحمه الله " ولا بأس ببلع ما بقي في فيه من بقايا الطعام من غير مضغ ، أو بقي بين أسنانه من بقايا الطعام بلا مضغ ، مما يجري به ريقه وهو اليسير؛ لأن ذلك لا يسمى أكلاً ، وما لا يجري به ريقه بل يجري بنفسه وهو ما له جرم تبطل الصلاة ببلعه..." انتهى من "كشاف القناع" 1/339 .
وجاء في "الموسوعة الفقهية" 27/124 "اتفق الفقهاء على بطلان الصلاة بالأكل والشرب من حيث الجملة ... واستثنوا من ذلك ما كان بين أسنانه وكان دون الحمصة فإنه لا تفسد به الصلاة ، إذا ابتلعه , وصرحوا بفساد الصلاة بالمضغ إن كثر.." انتهى .
ثالثًا :
أما بقاء رائحة المعجون وطعمه في الفم فلا يضر ذلك بصحة الصلاة ، لأنه لا يعد أكلًا ولا شربًا .
والله أعلم المصدر: الإسلام سؤالوجواب .
notices the taste of toothpaste when he is praying. What should he do
about food remnants that remain between his teeth? Is his prayer
invalidated by swallowing his saliva
before going to salat , i usually brush my teeth ,
but the toothpaste has a very strong taste that remains in my mouth ,
so i feel it during the prayer is my prayer valid? if yes is it invalid
if i swallow my saliva? does the same rule apply to food also?.
Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Swallowing saliva whilst praying does not affect the prayer, because it is not food or drink and it does not come under the heading of food or drink in any way. If a person is fasting, his fast is not invalidated by swallowing his saliva, so it is more apt that the prayer should not be invalidated by that. See the answer to question no. 144970 and 12597 Secondly: If a person who is praying swallows remnants of food that are left between the teeth, that does not invalidate the prayer, if it is something small that flows with the saliva, because it is difficult to avoid that. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on remnants of food between the teeth whilst praying? He replied: With regard to remnants of food between the teeth, there is nothing with them remaining between the teeth, even if one prays, but if anything breaks off of it, he should not swallow it. Sometimes some food gets stuck between the teeth, then after a while it comes out from between the teeth or he may dislodge it with his tongue and it comes out. We say: There is nothing wrong with that, but he should not swallow it. End quote. Al-Bahooti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: There is nothing wrong with swallowing remnants of food that are left in the month, without chewing, or swallowing remnants of food that are left between the teeth, without chewing, that are small and will flow with the saliva, because that is not called food. That which does not flow with the saliva, rather it has substance, invalidates the prayer if it is swallowed… End quote from Kashshaaf al-Qinaa‘, 1/339 It says in al-Mawsoo‘ah al-Fiqhyyah (27/124): The fuqaha’ are unanimously agreed that the prayer is invalidated by eating and drinking in general, but they made an exception with regard to that which is caught between the teeth and is less than the size of a chickpea. This does not invalidate the prayer if it is swallowed, but they stated clearly that the prayer is invalidated by chewing if it is a large amount. End quote. Thirdly: With regard to the smell and flavour of the toothpaste that remains in the mouth, that does not affect the validity of the prayer, because it is not regarded as food or drink. And Allah knows best.
Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Swallowing saliva whilst praying does not affect the prayer, because it is not food or drink and it does not come under the heading of food or drink in any way. If a person is fasting, his fast is not invalidated by swallowing his saliva, so it is more apt that the prayer should not be invalidated by that. See the answer to question no. 144970 and 12597 Secondly: If a person who is praying swallows remnants of food that are left between the teeth, that does not invalidate the prayer, if it is something small that flows with the saliva, because it is difficult to avoid that. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on remnants of food between the teeth whilst praying? He replied: With regard to remnants of food between the teeth, there is nothing with them remaining between the teeth, even if one prays, but if anything breaks off of it, he should not swallow it. Sometimes some food gets stuck between the teeth, then after a while it comes out from between the teeth or he may dislodge it with his tongue and it comes out. We say: There is nothing wrong with that, but he should not swallow it. End quote. Al-Bahooti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: There is nothing wrong with swallowing remnants of food that are left in the month, without chewing, or swallowing remnants of food that are left between the teeth, without chewing, that are small and will flow with the saliva, because that is not called food. That which does not flow with the saliva, rather it has substance, invalidates the prayer if it is swallowed… End quote from Kashshaaf al-Qinaa‘, 1/339 It says in al-Mawsoo‘ah al-Fiqhyyah (27/124): The fuqaha’ are unanimously agreed that the prayer is invalidated by eating and drinking in general, but they made an exception with regard to that which is caught between the teeth and is less than the size of a chickpea. This does not invalidate the prayer if it is swallowed, but they stated clearly that the prayer is invalidated by chewing if it is a large amount. End quote. Thirdly: With regard to the smell and flavour of the toothpaste that remains in the mouth, that does not affect the validity of the prayer, because it is not regarded as food or drink. And Allah knows best.
Source: Islam Q&A
retrouve des résidus de la patte de dentifrice entre ses dents pendant
l'accomplissement de la prière.. que doit il faire des restes
d'aliments accrochés à ses dents? Sa prière serait il nulle au cas où
il les avalerait?
Avant d'accomplir la prière canonique, je me nettoie les dents à l'aide d'une dentifrice, mais la saveur en reste entre mes dents et je la sens dans ma bouches pendant la prière. Celle-ci reste-t-elle valide? Comment juger l'absorption de la salive pendant la prière? Que dire des aliments et de leurs résidus avalés pendant l'accomplissement de la prière?
Texte de la réponse
Louanges à Allah
Premièrement, le fait d'avaler de la salive au cours de la prière ne l'affecte pas car il ne s'agit ni de boire ni de manger ni d'un acte qui leur soit assimilable. Si le jeûneur qui avale sa salive ne perd pas son jeûne, le prieur a fortiori ne voit sa prière compromise. Voir la réponse donnée à la question n° 144970 et la question n° 12597.
Deuxièmement, le fait pour le prieur d'avaler des résidus d'aliment accrochés entre ses dents n'invalide pas sa prière, s'il s'agit de peu de choses qui se dissout dans la salive car il est difficile de l'éviter.
Cheikh Ibn Outhaymine (Puisse Allah lui accorder Sa miséricorde) a été interrogé en ces termes: comment juger les résidus d'aliments qui s'accrochent entre les dents du fidèle en prière?»
Voici sa réponse: s'agissant des résidus d'aliments qui collent aux dents, il n' y a aucun inconvénient à ce qu'ils restent là où ils sont pendant que le fidèle prie. Mais si une partie s'en détache, il ne faut pas l'avaler. Parfois ces résidus restent entre les dents puis s'en détachent plus tard. Parfois encore on les remue avec la langue de manière à les expulser. Nous disons qu'il n' y a pas de mal en tout cela, pourvu qu'il ne les avale pas.
Al-Bahuti (Puisse Allah lui accorder Sa miséricorde)dit: Il n' y a aucun inconvénient à avaler des résidus d'aliments sans les mâcher ou les laisser entre ses dents sans les mâcher, s'il s'agit de peu de choses pouvant se dissoudre dans la salive car cela ne revient pas à manger. S'agissant des résidus qui ne dessoudent pas dans la salive parce que solides, leur absorption peut entraîner la nullité de la prière. Extrait de kashf al-quinaa,1/339.
On lit dans l'encyclopédie juridique,27/124: Les jurisconsultes sont tous d'avis que le fait de manger et de boire entraînegénéralement la nullité de la prière , à l'exceptionde l'absorption de peu de résidus accrochés aux dents. L'absorption de cela n'entraîne pas l'invalidité de la prière. Ils ont déclaré la nullité de la prière de celui qui les mâche, si leur quantité est importante.
Troisièmement, s'agissant de la persistance dans la bouche de l'odeur de la dentifrice, elle n'affecte pas la validité de la prière, puisque ce n'est pas assimilable au manger et boire.
Allah le sait mieux.
Source: Islam Q&A